Protection des pattes du chien : 3 bonnes raisons de s'y mettre! - Doggie Wear Style

Protection of the dog's paws: 3 good reasons to get started!

If Nordic dogs have cold-resistant paws, this is not the case with our domestic dogs. The benefits of a good pair of boots are well known.

In nature, soils are cool in summer. Think of the spongy soils of forests and the cool soils of grasslands. In winter, pure snow welcomes the tough little paws of wild animals without hurting them.

The conditions of urban walks no longer have anything to do with the conditions offered by Mother Nature. In winter, our roads are sprinkled with corrosive salts. And in summer, the asphalt is full of heat.

Here are 3 good reasons to protect your dog's paws with canine boots for a carefree walk.

To protect them from the cold

Your domestic dog is not like its cousin the sled dog. Just like us, our companions have adapted to a dry, warm and comfortable environment.

Their small pads and their fur have not adapted to the extreme cold. Your veterinarian will confirm that Fido should be protected from extreme cold. If it's too cold for you, it's too cold for him.

In extreme cold, your furry baby can expose themselves to frostbite on their paws, ears and tail. He can even freeze to death, just like you, if left outside unprotected for too long.

Even with good dog boots and a good coat, the ears and tail can freeze. This is why, even well dressed, avoiding extreme cold is the best solution. In cold or moderate weather, boots and a coat will be essential for Fido to enjoy his walk. To protect them from corrosive salts Veterinarians say it, the products used in de-icing salts are irritating and toxic for animals.

Their exposed pads can become chafed, cracked and inflamed. If your dog has sore paws on winter walks, look no further. The salts and the cold are responsible for his discomfort.

It is also important to know that these products are toxic when ingested. When our little friends have sore paws, they tend to lick them. This is how they ingest corrosive salts.

If the ingestion of salts is repeated during the winter, more serious digestive disorders may appear, such as infection of the mouth and vomiting, for example.

There is enough to be vigilant and protect the extremities of your pitou well to preserve its good health.

Protect them from burns

In summer, unlike grassy land, asphalt can reach a temperature of 60°C in direct sunlight. No animal is adapted to protect itself from such heat.

It is common for dogs to burn their paws on their summer walks. It doesn't have to be very hot for the bitumen to warm their paws. The sun's rays are enough to raise the temperature.

If your dog is limping and compulsively licking his paws, don't wait. Carefully check his pads. A burn may take several days to appear.

In the event of a burn, the skin of the pads becomes discolored. Sores and blisters may appear. This situation is very painful for your animal. Contact your veterinarian immediately if this is the case. He needs a lot of care.

In prevention, a small cream and a pair of light summer boots will greatly relieve your dog. He will rediscover the pleasure of accompanying you on your daily walk. After all, it's so good to enjoy the summer!

Today, our pet is a full member of our family. We wish the best for his comfort and his health. In this sense, here is one last good reason to put on boots for your pooch: they are too cute!

Your trusty companion will strut alongside you in style.

But the best part is that he will strut about carefree because he will be well protected against the aggressions of the outside world such as cold, salt and heat.

Discover now our most beautiful models of boots for dogs!

Come on, have a good walk!

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